God Still Raises the Dead

In Devotional by Andy ComerLeave a Comment

“But God, being rich in mercy, because of His great love with which He loved us, even when we were dead in our transgressions, made us alive together with Christ, by grace you have been saved.” Ephesians 2:4-5

God at Work

As I read these 2 verses of Scripture, I’m humbled by the overwhelming weight of God’s work in salvation. Notice how many times Paul points us to God’s activity:

  • God is the One who is rich in mercy
  • God is the One with a great love.
  • God pointed that love toward us with laser like intensity.
  • God is the One who makes us alive.
  • God is the One who offers us grace.

Dead Man Walking

In all these descriptions of God’s work, there is only one way Paul describes us…dead. “We were dead in our transgressions.”

  • A dead person can’t defend himself.
  • A dead person can’t revive himself.
  • A dead person can’t do good works.
  • A dead person can’t think, speak, act, smile, cry, or breath.

A dead person is completely and totally helpless. And that’s the beauty of salvation! This abundantly merciful, unconditionally loving, and generously gracious Father intercedes for us while we were dead, and brings us to life through faith in the Son, Jesus Christ.

Maybe you think God is this kill joy–watching your every move like a hawk waiting for you to mess up so He can zap you. That couldn’t be further from the truth. The Bible reveals a God who is for you. Yes, He is on your side.

He stands ready to offer you forgiveness when you humbly confess (1 John 1:9). He desires for your life to be filled with peace if you will trust Him (John 14:27). He calls you a friend (John 15:15), and He came so you could have abundant life (John 10:10). You are blessed beyond measure!

The Bible reveals a God who is for you. Share on X

I pray that today you can simply reflect upon the greatness of God and the work He is doing in your life. May we respond with lives that honor Him, worship Him, and magnify Him.

Growing Forward,

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