Are you a good person?

In Devotional by Andy ComerLeave a Comment

“Therefore the Law has become our tutor to lead us to Christ, so that we may be justified by faith.  But now that faith has come, we are no longer under a tutor.”  Galatians 3:24-25

Not good. 

Let me ask you a question, “Are you a good person?” It’s not a trick question, but it is a challenging one. What is it that makes us “good?”

Perhaps you would define yourself as “good” because, after all, you never killed anyone. But can we really label ourselves “good” because we never did anything really “bad?”

Maybe you made good grades in school, or you strive to love other people. Those are both “good” things, but is it enough to make you a “good” person?

The truth is, none of us are “good.” I’m not good. Believe me, I’ve got the track record to prove it. King David wrote, “There is no one who does good, not even one.” Psalm 14:3

Not as Bad as…

Sure, we could all find someone else to compare ourselves to in order to make ourselves look “good.”  But using “I’m not as bad as…” probably isn’t the best way to defend your own “goodness.”

God has given us a standard for how we should live our lives. Through the Law, God had prescribed how we should act, think, talk, worship, lead and….live. That’s the standard. That’s good. Anything other than God’s perfect way is inherently not good. Even on a good day, you and I can’t obey the entire law.

Good News!

Now, before you panic about not being “good,” I have some good news for you. Actually, it’s great news! Jesus has to power to rescue us from the curse of the law.

In fact, the whole purpose of the law is to bring us to Jesus. That’s what Paul meant when he said, “the law has become our tutor to lead us to Christ.”

The whole purpose of the law is to bring us to Jesus. Share on X

By comparing our lives to the standard of the law, we recognize our sin-filled nature and desperate need of a savior. Jesus, the One and only Savior, took the curse upon himself by dying on a tree. And 3 days later, He overcame death by coming back to life! I believe this by faith, and I invite you to do the same!

“But now that faith has come, we are no longer under a tutor.” – Paul

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