worship that's good

Worship that’s GOOD!

In Devotional by Andy Comer2 Comments

“And do not neglect doing good and sharing, for with such sacrifices God is pleased.” Hebrews 13:16

Worthy of Praise.

God is worthy…period. He’s not worthy because we ascribe Him worth (value). He’s worthy, therefore we should ascribe Him worth. In fact, Hebrews 13:15 says we should “continually offer up a sacrifice of praise to God.”

He's not worthy because we ascribe Him worth. He's worthy, therefore we should ascribe Him worth. Share on X

God deserves our continual praise and adoration, but it shouldn’t just be lip service. We should praise Him with our lips AND serve Him with our life.

The author of Hebrews describes worship that pleases God as more than praise and adoration. He reminds us not to “neglect doing good and sharing, for with such sacrifices God is pleased.”

Here are a few thoughts to keep in mind as you seek to “do good” this week.

1.Doing good doesn’t make you more loved.

Certainly God is pleased with our good works, but in no way can we improve upon His affection for us. There is no amount of good deeds that could possibly make God love you more than He already does.

2.Doing good doesn’t make you more saved.

God’s Word is clear that good deeds can’t save us. Our works have no power to bring salvation. Only Jesus can do that!

Why do good?

If doing good doesn’t make you more loved or more saved, what’s the point? Why do good?

Doing good really isn’t a reflection of your goodness. It’s a reflection of God’s goodness. When you do good – you are mirroring a quality of God. You are engaging in an act of worship. Are you a good person?

Let me encourage you to take the above Scripture to heart. Let us not be guilty of limiting our “worship” to the four songs before the sermon.

  • When you help someone in need, that’s worship!
  • When you encourage a coworker, that’s worship!
  • When you serve your family, that’s worship!
  • When you bless the waiter, that’s worship!

Father, may our worship rise above the songs we sing to the life we live.



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