I don't belong to me

I Don’t Belong to Me

In Devotional by Andy ComerLeave a Comment

I have a two year old who loves the word “mine.” In her eyes, every thing in the house belongs to her, and she usually wants the very thing you are holding (or eating) at the moment. She grabs the toys her sisters are playing with and proudly boasts, “Mine!” She reaches across the table to someone else plate, and exclaims, “Mine!” She puts on her mommas shoes and announces, “Mine!”

She has a “mine” problem. If you’ve been around a two year old you know what I mean. A toddler must learn he/she is not the owner of things, but a user of things.

As an adult, I find myself having to learn the same lesson. I made a list of everything that I own, and here’s a picture of what I came up with…

I don't belong to me

Everything I possess on earth is on temporary loan from God. I’m just stewarding it for Him for a short period of time. I won’t/can’t take it with me after I die. Truth be told, I don’t even own my life. the Bible is clear that I belong to God.

Paul reminds us, “For you have been bought with a price, therefore glorify God with your body.” 1 Corinthians 6:20

Here’s the bottom line – I don’t belong to me.

Here's the bottom line - I don't belong to me. Share on X

As a man who has been saved by grace through faith, I have been purchased by the blood of Jesus Christ! I don’t belong to me. I belong to Him. I can no longer say, “Mine!”

And I’m ok with that because He calls me, “Mine.” I’m His child. If you are saved by grace, yet still questioning your identity, let these words encourage you today…

“But now, thus says the LORD, your Creator, O Jacob,
And He who formed you, O Israel,
“Do not fear, for I have redeemed you;
I have called you by name; you are Mine!” – Isaiah 43:1





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