Have you been with Jesus?

In Devotional by Andy ComerLeave a Comment

“Now as they observed the confidence of Peter and John and understood that they were uneducated and untrained men, they were amazed, and began to recognize them as having been with Jesus.”  Acts 4:13

I noticed the other day that Erin has been using the word “precious” more frequently. I’ve known Erin for over 12 years, and I don’t remember this word being an every day part of her vocabulary. “She’s precious.” “That’s precious.” “How precious!” These phrases seemed to be a daily occurence.

So one day I asked her, “Who do you know uses the word ‘precious’?” She quickly named a friend with whom she had been spending much time. Evidently, Erin had unconsciously picked up the common language of a dear friend.

I’ve done the same. I used to say, “no problem,” but now I’ve acquired the habit of saying, “no worries.” I can thank my Alaskan friend Doug for that!

The Point: We become like those we behold. 

We become like those we behold. Share on X

When you spend time with someone, there’s a natural tendency to become like that person. Peter and John experienced this. They spent three years with Jesus beholding his every move, listening to every word, and clinging to every action. And their lives reflected it.

In fact, even after Jesus was gone, Peter and John were recongnized as having been with Jesus. They weren’t recognized for having known about Jesus. They were recognized for having been with Jesus.

Have you been with Jesus lately? If we want our lives to reflet the Light of Christ in a dark world, it’s imperative that we spend time wtih God. Jesus told us that we cannot bear fruit unless we abide in HIm (John 15:4).

Let me encourage you to daily spend time with the Lord. Spend time in His Word. Listen to what He has to say to you individually. Abide in HIm. Pick up His habits. The more time you spend with Him, the more you will be able to reflect His likeness to those around you.

May others be able to recogize us as having been with Jesus!


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