What Family Movie Night Taught Me About Evangelism

In Devotional by Andy Comer1 Comment

One of our favorite nights of the week is family movie night. Our three girls especially get excited because family movie night means we get to watch a movie of their choosing. (Of course mom and dad always preselect a few “options.”)

Once we snuggle into the couch with our popcorn, cookies and drinks the featured film begins. It’s kinda funny when the girls have seen the movie before. They LOVE to tell you what’s coming up next. It’s common for Erin and I to be told things like:

  • “Watch what Elsa is about to do!”
  • “Listen daddy to what Shrek is going say!”
  • “Mommy, this next part is so funny, the bear is going to…”

They have a knack for giving us the play by play. Sometimes you want to kindly explain how rude it is to reveal the next scene or punchline, but other times you just play along in hopeful suspense.

What I’ve noticed is when a child knows the story, he/she can’t help but tell the story.

A child loves to share the story of a movie to others who haven’t seen the movie.  Likewise, we should love to share the story of Jesus with others who haven’t heard the story.

When a child knows the story, he/she can't help but tell the story Share on X

On one occasion, Jesus took the disciples across the Sea of Galilee where He healed a demon possessed man. The city crowd was so intimidated by Jesus’ power they begged Him to leave. As Jesus turns to get back in the boat, there sat the man, ready and willing to follow Jesus.

Jesus had other plans.

Mark 5:19 records “And [Jesus] did not let him, but He *said to him, “Go home to your people and report to them what great things the Lord has done for you, and how He had mercy on you.”

You see what Jesus told the man to do? He told him to go share his story. Go tell the story of what Christ has done in your life! Go tell how you used to be demon possessed, out of mind, and uncontrollable. Then share of the great things the LORD has done for you and in you. Go. Share.

Who can you share your story with today?  Now before you say, “Andy, I don’t have a great story like the demon possessed man. I just have a regular ‘ole story.”

When it involves salvation, there is no “regular ‘ole story.” There is only the incredible story of how we once were lost, but now we’re found. We once were blind, but now we see. We once were dead, but now we are ALIVE!  Now that’s a story worth sharing.

Remember, an untold story is a dying story.


  1. Absolutely, I couldn’t agree more Brother Andy. What an excellent point about there is no “ordinary” salvation. We were dead in our sins, but now ALIVE in Christ as you explained. That is due to an “extraordinary” work of a mighty Savior.

    All through the Gospels we see those who encountered Jesus and the miracles He performed in their lives. Afterward we see these men and women praising God and His Christ for the miracle in their life. We tend to forget the work of salvation is a miracle of God being performed in us. Let us be like those recorded in scripture who ran into town proclaiming and rejoicing of the miracle God has performed through His Son! Each salvation is a miracle! Let us never put an “ordinary” tag on the miracle of eternal life!

    “Remember, an untold story is a dying story” – I absolutely love that! I pray we (His children) become burdened to not let the story of Jesus die! Share what He has done for you, our stories are irrefutable.

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