The One Question I Hope My Daughters NEVER Ask

In Church, Devotional by Andy ComerLeave a Comment

Dad Life

I’m a dad of three girls. I don’t claim the “World’s Greatest Dad” title, although a coffee mug in my cabinet would beg to differ. I make plenty of mistakes, and I’ve more than likely broken all of the rules in the parenting handbook.

However, there is one thing I can honestly claim. I LOVE my daughters! I would do anything for them.

When they hurt, my heart aches. When they laugh, I can’t help but smile. When they’re scared, I hold them. They bring me so much joy, and if you are a parent, you know what I mean.

My daughters are still in the early development years, so questions come easy to them.

  • “How do you know how much gas is in the car?”
  • “How many is 100?”
  • “Where do babies come from?”

Don’t Ask

There is one question I hope my daugther’s NEVER ask, “How have you loved us?” I can’t even begin to imagine the hurt this would cause me.  Hopefully, my actions show them how much I love them.

Israel asked the same question of God about 400 years before Jesus came to earth. Malachi records the conversation for us.

“I have loved you,” says the Lord, But you say, “How have you loved us?”  Malachi 1:2

Can you imagine how God must have felt? Surely we would never say anything like that would we?

You or I may not ask the question using the same phrase, but I do think we find ourselves questioning God’s love for us.  We say things like: “Why are you letting this happen?” “God, are you seeing what’s going on here?” “Lord, do you even care what I’m going through?” We question God’s love.

Here’s my encouragement to you today.

Don’t base God’s eternal love on a temporary circumstance.

God’s love is not based on your circumstances.  His love is not based on your performance.  His love has no conditions, because His love is unconditional.

If you are questioning God’s love for you today, reflect on these promises from Scripture.

“We know love by this, that He laid down His life for us.” 1 John 3:16

“See how great a love the Father has bestowed on us, that we would be called children of God; and such we are.” 1 John 3:1

Live with confidence today knowing that your heavenly Father loves you unconditionally, and displayed His great love though sending His only Son for you!

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